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The Way of Mercy: Pilgrimage in Catholic Poland

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Winner of the 2023 Catholic Media Association Book Award, Second Place, “Pilgrimages/Catholic Travel”

Deep suffering, when united with the merciful Jesus, produces great sanctity. This is the story of Catholic Poland over the centuries and the reason for its legacy of saints and churches. This pilgrimage guide is meant for those who wish to travel to Poland, those who want to remember their experiences there, and especially for those who want to imagine the beautiful, tragic, spiritual, and inspiring places of this land. Paging through this colorful and well-written book, designed to spotlight the holy people and sacred sites of Poland over the centuries, provides a transformative journey in the best tradition of religious pilgrimage. Read, gaze, reflect, pray, and contemplate the richness of Catholic Poland.

Winner of the 2023 Catholic Media Association Book Award, Second Place, “Pilgrimages/Catholic Travel”

Poland is the ideal land for learning the art of pilgrimage. Its history and culture is deeply religious; it is filled with memories of some of the church’s best-known saints; and famous churches and beautiful shrines cover the landscape. Increasingly, more and more pilgrims from throughout the world are discovering Poland as the ideal place for a transforming encounter with God. People of disparate languages, races, and nationalities are traveling to Poland, transcending their differences with the essential purpose of religious pilgrimage.

The Catholic culture of Poland allows pilgrims to experience a deeply mediated faith, where God is experienced through the saints and Sacraments of the church. Because Jesus has manifested Himself to the world through the mediation of His Mother, Mary, Polish Catholicism understands that Marian spirituality is a beautiful way to deepen Christian faith. The lives of the Polish saints serve as models and mentors for one’s own path to God, inspiring pilgrims with the places and events that mark their lives of sanctity. At their shrines throughout the land, their presence can be felt, and through their prayers we can draw closer to God through communion with them.

Whether you travel virtually through this book or journey to Poland to explore the land, you can encounter the graces of pilgrimage by integrating these elements into your experience. Within this book you will find information to enrich your understanding of Poland’s sacred places and images and to enhance your imagination. You will find questions for your reflection that will lead you into an experience of meditative prayer. Scriptural texts will expand your perception of God’s mercy, and litanies of praise and petition will magnify your experience of travel into a sacred encounter with Christ and His Church.

Deep suffering, when united with the merciful Jesus, produces great sanctity. This is the story of Catholic Poland over the centuries and the reason for its legacy of saints and churches. This pilgrimage guide is meant for those who wish to travel to Poland, those who want to remember their experiences there, and especially for those who want to imagine the beautiful, tragic, spiritual, and inspiring places of this land. Paging through this colorful and well-written book, designed to spotlight the holy people and sacred sites of Poland over the centuries, provides a transformative journey in the best tradition of religious pilgrimage. Explore how the 20th-century St. Faustina, St. Maximillian Kolbe, St. Edith Stein, St. John Paul, Bl. Stefan Wyszyński, and Bl. Jerzy Popiełuszko stand on the shoulders of Poland’s more ancient patronal saints like Sts.  Stanisław and Jadwiga, how they emerged from the devotional traditions of cities like Kraków, Gdańsk, and Warsaw, as well as countless towns and villages throughout the country, and how they were inspired by the beautiful Marian traditions of the nation.

Read, gaze, reflect, pray, and contemplate the richness of Catholic Poland. 

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Author GeneralStephen J. Binz
Page Count304
PublishedNov 30, 2022
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