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The Sacrament of Mercy: Welcoming with the Love of God

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The heartfelt appeal of the Apostle Paul has never ceased to resonate in the Catholic Church, which still today invites every person to convert and to believe in the salvific power of the Gospel. However, so that the words "mercy," "reconciliation," and "conversion" do not remain mere catchy slogans, experience of the love of God must be continuously renewed.

This is what happens every time in the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation: the individual who was lost is transfigured by the merciful embrace of the Father, recovers their own filial vocation, and is made capable of mercy towards their brothers and sisters.

Written with a simplicity of language and the result of the long experience of the author in listening to confessions and working for the Apostolic Penitentiary, The Sacrament of Mercy seeks to be at one and the same time a resource for confessors and encouragement for all the faithful.

“We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Cor 5:20). This heartfelt appeal of the apostle Paul has never ceased to resonate in the Church which still today invites every man to convert and to believe in the salvific power of the Gospel. However, so that the words “mercy,” “reconciliation,” and “conversion” do not remain mere catchy slogans, experience of the love of God must be continuously renewed.

This is what happens every time in the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation: the man who was lost is transfigured by the merciful embrace of the Father, recovers his own filial vocation, and is made in his turn capable of mercy towards his brothers and sisters.

Written with a simplicity of language and the result of the long experience of the author in listening to confessions and in service at the Apostolic Penitentiary, this book seeks to be at one and the same time a support for confessors and encouragement for all the faithful.

The 14 essays that make up this volume seek to lead the reader along this trajectory which, from becoming aware of one’s own sin, through the forgiveness of God leads on to the joy of the resurrection and a declaration of the mercy that has been received. Indeed, the contributions offered in this work present the rich subject of Reconciliation and each one of them has a different approach. The picture that one obtains is that of a photograph of the various facets involved, in which each reader can find a particular facet that most strikes them, stimulating thereby personal meditation.

At a more specific level, the texts present the mystery of sacramental Reconciliation from a threefold perspective: the canonical-sacramental, the theological-pedagogic and, lastly, the civil-legislative.


“I keenly congratulate Msgr. Krzysztof Nykiel on this book, whose subjects of mercy, reconciliation, and forgiveness are broadly addressed and suitably located in a theological, pastoral and educational approach. There is always a need for this.  The Sacrament of Mercy: Welcoming with the Love of God, one perceives the purpose of this work which seeks to be, in a certain sense, a response to the difficulties at the level of pastoral care that the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation has encountered in the recent past and still encounters in the lives of believers. This is a sacrament which more than the others is often diminished and undervalued, being seen as a reality that one can easily do without. Every crisis that weakens the presence and the celebration of a sacrament is before anything else a consequence of a lack of faith in the Word of God, a sign that faith has lost its pathway in truth. Let us hope, therefore, that this text finds the greatest resonance possible as a precious expression of a valuable service of the Church. — Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of His Holiness


This book by Msgr. Nykiel expresses the canonical-sacramental and theological-educational dimensions of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. From it emerges a harmonious summary of the pronouncements of the Magisterium of the Church on Reconciliation, as well as the fact that it is the outcome of a great deal of personal experience of service to the Sacrament of Mercy. The confessional is presented not only as a physical space and it must not be transformed into a setting for torture. It is above all else a “theological space,” a setting in which the penitent really encounters the merciful heart of God the Father. A setting for the proclaiming of truth and understanding, a setting for faith and encouragement, a setting where the joy of a return of a penitent heart to the welcoming and loving heart of the Father is experienced. This aspect could only be present given the generous dedication of Msgr. Nykiel to the Sacrament of Forgiveness and this can be seen both in his daily work at the Apostolic Penitentiary and in the world of pastoral care. In addition, only a man “impassioned” of this Sacrament could have brought together in an analysis, with simplicity of language and clarity of exposition, almost in a symbiosis, the Magisterium, theology, pastoral care, and experience in the field. — Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, Major Penitentiary


The Sacrament of Mercy is unique, a comprehensive study of its subject. It is logical and well-organized; a scholarly work that employs a scholarly methodology and achieves an in-depth analysis. The author is not only a scholar of canon law but a man immersed in the practicalities (both pastoral and pedagogical) of his subject. The Sacrament of Penance, also commonly called the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession, is in fact the sacrament of mercy because in the act of Confession, God forgives man’s guilt. The sacramental reality studied here involves the mysterious action of God. And man, in preparing for this sacrament, examines his conscience and decides to improve himself in order to be in constant communion with God, to live in sanctifying grace, and at the same time to remain in peaceful communion with other people, forgiving them if they are guilty. The Sacrament of Penance must be based upon the foundation of canon law so that it is not distorted in its practice. The granting of the sacrament should be of great importance in the life of each parish community. Religious pedagogy indicates the need for education in deepening a person’s religious life — this includes the use of the sacramental ministry. The contents of this book show us how we can live a mature religious life, which has above all a vertical direction (searching for and finding God) and thus a salvific direction. At the same time one cannot fail to notice the horizontal direction of a mature religious life, which can be reflected in both the moral and the mental health of a person. The Sacrament of Mercy is recommended above all to those who recognize the value of the sacramental life and seek God through it. — Professor Rev. Waldemar Woźniak, Associate Professor of the Institute of Psychology, the Faculty of Christian Philosophy, the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland

More Information
Author GeneralBy Monsignor Krzysztof Nykiel, Regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary
Page Count272
Size6" x 9"
PublishedMar 31, 2024
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