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Saint Stanislaus Papczynski: Selected Writings

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A rich spiritual treasury, Saint Stanislaus Papczynski: Selected Writings makes available in a modern English translation the majority of the works of the Founder of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, one of the outstanding figures in Polish Catholic history and culture.

More than a decade in the making, Saint Stanislaus Papczynski: Selected Writings is a major work of love and faith. This rich spiritual treasury makes available in a modern English translation the majority of the known writings of the Founder of the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. Also, St. Stanislaus Papczynski (1631-1701) was one of the outstanding figures in Polish Catholic history and culture. All Marian Fathers and Marian Helpers will benefit from serious study of this collection of the writings of Father Founder, published in the heart of the 350th anniversary of the founding of the Marian Fathers. Study the writings of St. Stanislaus Papczynski. Come share in his love of God, the Church, and his neighbors. "Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect" (Rom 12:2). An invaluable resource for all students of the saints.

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Author GeneralSt. Stanislaus Papczynski
Page Count960
PublishedJul 31, 2022
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