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How to Pray the Rosary

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Learn How to Pray the Rosary well and why it matters! Tought in this simple booklet by best-selling author Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC.

A rosary a day keeps the devil away! In this handy little guide, best-selling author Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, teaches you how to pray the rosary well and why it matters, addressing issues such as:

  • Why pray the rosary?
  • How long should a well-prayed rosary take?
  • What are the graces attached to praying the rosary?
  • How can I become a champion of the rosary?

Our Lady needs rosary champions to help bring peace in the world. Will you answer her call to prayer?

"Every Catholic should be praying the rosary - Our Lady keeps asking for it in Fatima and her other apparitions! In this booklet, my Marian brother Fr. Calloway does a great job explaining how to pray the rosary and answer Our Lady's call." — Father Chris Alar, MIC

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Author GeneralFr. Donald Calloway, MIC
Page Count72
PublishedApr 14, 2017
Google Play Store Linkhttps://play.google.com/store/books/details/Donald_H_Calloway_How_to_Pray_the_Rosary?id=JNQkDwAAQBAJ
Apple Store Linkhttps://books.apple.com/us/book/how-to-pray-the-rosary/id1239850258
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