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From the White House to the White Cross (eBook version)

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"Storytelling is deeply embedded in my DNA," says Peggy Stanton, who served ABC-TV as its first female news correspondent in Washington, DC, in the 1960s. Opening up the journals Stanton kept for decades, especially while traveling the world with her husband, Congressman Bill Stanton, From the White House to the White Cross offers an entertaining and revealing glimpse into a storied world of glitz and glamor, featuring A-listers from Julie Andrews and Charlton Heston to Lyndon Johnson, Fidel Castro, and Salvador Dali. Stanton's perspective - and life - change unexpectedly during a visit to Medjugorje, where, in her words, "the Master attempts to chisel a poor piece of clay into what he intended her to be." Her dramatic conversion from "a cultural Catholic to a committed Catholic" opens a new chapter in a life filled with adventure, opportunity, and service.

eBook Format


“My good friend Peggy Stanton brings a reporter’s eye and a believer’s heart to this engaging memoir. From the corridors of power in Washington, D.C., to the humble hilltops of Medjugorje, she allows us to tag along for an insider’s look at a unique and uplifting life.”

— His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York


“Great memoirs are engaging, yet provocative, introspective, yet inspirational. From the White House to the White Cross accomplishes this and more. Fascinating tales of political insiders and celebrities are but a part of the riveting and deeply personal account of spiritual transformation, and one woman’s determination to stand up and spread the Good News.”

— Tom Monaghan, Founder, Domino’s Pizza, Ave Maria University and Ave Maria School of Law


“Peggy Stanton is a gifted writer who has given us an engaging account of her life as a pioneering network news correspondent in Washington, D.C. where she meets and marries Ohio Congressman Bill Stanton. She draws on her diaries to recount her interactions with D.C. power brokers and newsmakers. She movingly shares with us that her greatest blessing was how Our Lady drew her closer to Christ. This book is an inspiring testimony of how faith in God leads us along paths where joy overcomes sorrow.”

— Rev. Gerald E. Murray, Pastor, Holy Family Church, New York, NY


“Peggy Stanton has the eye of a journalist and the heart of an apostle. As my colleague at Ave Maria Radio for many years, she has often delighted me with stories from her years as a pioneering broadcast journalist at ABC-TV, a congressional wife and president of the Republican Congressional Wives Club, a Dame of the Knights of Malta with many pilgrimages to Lourdes, a champion for the apparitions of our Lady at Medjugorje, a creative artist and a loving and diligent mother and grandmother. But I wasn’t prepared for the dizzying, kaleidoscopic array of stories in From the White House to the White Cross. We see professional success, marriage to an extraordinary and gallant public servant, the whirl of political campaigning, international travel. But, as often happens, comes the crisis of emptiness. She had been faithfully in the pew but she hadn’t become of the pew. God calls her to an ongoing conversion that doesn’t come easily. Even in Medjugorje, she finds herself in the intense grip of a drive to flee this place. How this interior fight shapes her is one of the most compelling in the memoir and leads to her apostolic work in healing, peace programs and relief assistance.”

— Al Kresta, President/CEO, Ave Maria Communications and host, “Kresta in the Afternoon”


For iPad, iPhone, Android, Kindle, Nook, and other epub-friendly e-readers
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More Information
Author GeneralPeggy Stanton
Google Play Store Linkhttps://play.google.com/store/books/details/Peggy_Stanton_From_the_White_House_to_the_White_Cr?id=Uo6aEAAAQBAJ
Apple Store Linkhttps://books.apple.com/us/book/from-the-white-house-to-the-white-cross/id6444219331
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