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For Christ and the Church

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For Christ and the Church serves as an excellent introduction to the life and spirituality of Blessed George Matulaitis-Matulewicz, our Marian Renovator.

This small book, For Christ and the Church, serves as an excellent introduction to the life and spirituality of Blessed George Matulaitis-Matulewicz, our Marian Renovator. It was published in honor of the 25th anniversary of his beatification. It bears the title For Christ and the Church because this is the motto Blessed George left the Marian Fathers. Blessed George lived this call to serve Christ and the Church, as you’ll discover in the short biography in the first part of this book. Whether it involved renovating the Marians clandestinely amid religious persecution, or serving as Bishop of Vilnius in his native Lithuania in a time of war and ethnic tensions, he persevered humbly and with great love in his duties. The second part of the book comprises excerpts from the letters of Blessed George that show at turns his spiritual zeal, common sense, and humanity. 

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Page Count86
Size4.15" x 6.5"
PublishedJan 11, 2001
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