How to download and open the eBook on your device
Our eBooks are designed for eReader devices - Kindle, Nook, iPhone, iPad, etc. - or an app that can read EPUB files. (The eBook is not a PDF file, and therefore cannot be opened as such.)
The file will download to your "Downloads" folder on your device or the web browser you are using.
For iPad, iPod, iPhone:
Double-clicking the file should open it in your iBooks. Otherwise, single-click, or pressing down on the file will show a menu. Click "Open in iBooks."
For Android-operated devices:
- Make sure you have the Google Play Books app. - If not, go to the Play Store and download the app.
- Open a browser (preferably Chrome).
- Sign into your email account or ShopMercy account.
- Download the EPUB file on your device by clicking the provided link.
- In the upper-right corner of your browser, touch the 3 stacked dots.
- Touch the "downloads" option.
- You will see all the files you have downloaded. The EPUB file you just downloaded will be at the top of the list.
- Simply touch the file, and it will upload to the Play Books app.
- You will either be taken directly to the app, or you will have to exit the browser and go into your Play Books app, and it should be there. (It may take a few minutes to process.)
For Kindle devices and apps:
You can send the eBook directly to the app or device. Simply log into your Amazon account and use this form:
For other apps:
Simply go to "File" and choose "Import".