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Diary of a Future Saint: Faustina's Incredible Journey

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Born Helena Kowalska, a simple Polish peasant farm girl at the dawn of the 20th century, Faustina was chosen by God to teach the world about His unfathomable Divine Mercy. Though mocked, ridiculed, and unbelieved, she earnestly followed Jesus' commands, the Blessed Mother's instructions, and saintly wisdom to tread an amazing mystical journey, filled to overflowing with gifts and graces to glorify God. She went on to become one of the world's most popular saints. Befriend this lovable, down-to-earth saint through the work of celebrated author Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle, an expert on St. Faustina and a master storyteller, who presents St. Faustina's life in this page-turning novel for all ages.

In Diary of a Future Saint, Faustian researcher, master storyteller, and celebrated author Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle, brings to life the incredible story of one of the world's most popular saints, and according to St. John Paul II, "the great apostle of Divine Mercy in our time." This true biography reads like a page-turning novel and is written for ages ten and up.

Helena Kowalska, once a poor Polish farm girl, whose family struggled during the years of World War I, perseveringly navigated many obstacles to follow her call to religious life. Even her pious parents stood in her way. One day, after a shocking visit from Jesus, Whom appeared covered in blood, the startled young aspirant fled to the nearby church, eventually eloping with Jesus in order to finally enter the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Poland during the 1930s.

Crossing over the threshold to religious life was an arduous journey for Helena, whom experienced crippling blows when doors shut in her face by the congregations that deemed her undesirable. With less than three years of formal education under her belt, Helena was considered to be no-one special, from a low rung of society. Therefore, when the door at the Congregation of Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy finally opened to her, the Sisters placed Helena in the "second choir" or class of nuns, responsible for the domestic duties.

Yet, it was there among the pots and pans, the dirty laundry, the vegetable gardens, and beggars at the gate where Jesus communed with His little bride. Helena, whom was later named Sister Maria Faustina, would flourish in the spiritual life hidden behind a cloak of humility. Saint Faustina received many graces and gifts (such as a hidden stigmata, visions, revelations, the gift of contemplation, bilocation, levitation, reading human souls, a gift of prophesy, deep knowledge of God's mercy and of the Blessed Trinity, and mystical espousal). However, she never let on to anyone, with the exception of her directors, that Jesus Himself was instructing her to tell the world about His unfathomable Divine Mercy.

Divine Mercy is not a new revelation, for God has always been merciful. Yet, Heaven saw fit that Divine Mercy would be revealed in a new way. On the evening of February 22, 1931, Sr. Faustina was in her cell when Jesus appeared to her in the image of the Divine Mercy, which took her breath away! Jesus gave her explicit instructions in propagating His image and His promises to those who venerate the image.

The young visionary also communed with the Blessed Mother, whom also guided her. Early in religious life, Sr. Faustina's Guardian Angel escorted her to Purgatory where she learned the need to pray for the holy souls. She also experienced Hell and all its chasms and observed many unspeakable torments. She learned that almost all souls perishing in Hell were ones who did not believe in Hell's existence while on Earth. Sister Faustina had many enthralling experiences with holy angels and dreaded demons. Jesus asked Sr. Faustina to record her experiences, which she hand wrote in notebooks. Today, St. Faustina's writings are known as the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska. Saint Faustina's Diary is God's loving message of Divine Mercy for our world.

Though Helena Kowalska was considered to be insignificant and uneducated, she was obedient to God's designs on her soul and eventually raised to the altar as a canonized saint, Jesus' "Secretary and Apostle of Divine Mercy." Faustina's humble faith and trust in God gives us great hope for our own lives.

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Author GeneralDonna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle
Page Count210
PublishedAug 31, 2023
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