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Consoling the Heart of Jesus Participant Packet with book

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Join a Consoling the Heart of Jesus (CHJ) small-group retreat with this Participant packet that includes everything you need.

This Consoling the Heart of Jesus Participant Packet includes the following:
- Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat Book
- Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat Companion
- "Consoler's Morning Offering" prayer card
- 8"x10" Divine Mercy Image
- Rosary (colors will vary)
- "Chaplet and Novena of Divine Mercy" pamphlet
- 8½" x 11" full-color Consoler's Principle and Foundation Certificate
- "Way of the Cross" pamphlet - Divine Mercy Explained booklet

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Happ Pack OptionsParticipant Pack (includes book)
TypeGroup Programs
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