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Champions of the Rosary: The History and Heroes of a Spiritual Weapon

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"In Champions of the Rosary, Fr. Calloway has written what is probably the most comprehensive book ever written on the rosary. The author deftly negotiates the complexities of the story of the rosary, weaving the historical, theological, and devotional strands into a veritable masterpiece of scholarship and piety. This book should turn every one of its readers into a champion of the rosary."
Archbishop Augustine Di Noia, OP, Assistant Secretary, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (Vatican City)

Champions of the Rosary, by bestselling author Fr. Donald Calloway, tells the powerful story of the history of the rosary and its champions. The rosary is a spiritual sword, containing the saving mysteries of the God-Man. It has the power to conquer sin, defeat evil, and bring about peace. Champions of the Rosary presents a complete history of this spiritual weapon, 26 of its greatest heroes, detailed accounts of its victories, 32 color images of the rosary in art, as well as endorsements from 4 cardinals, the Master General of the Dominicans, 10 Dominican bishops, and 20 other bishops from around the world!

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Author GeneralFr. Donald H. Calloway, MIC
Page Count428
Size9.25" x 6.5"
PublishedAug 7, 2016
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